SolidInvoice Installation - Requirements Check


  • PHP version must be at least 7.1.4 (7.4.33 installed)
  • Vendor libraries must be installed
  • app/cache/ or var/cache/ directory must be writable
  • app/logs/ or var/logs/ directory must be writable
  • Configured default timezone "UTC" must be supported by your installation of PHP
  • iconv() must be available
  • json_encode() must be available
  • session_start() must be available
  • ctype_alpha() must be available
  • token_get_all() must be available
  • simplexml_import_dom() must be available
  • detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini
  • PCRE extension must be available
  • string functions should not be overloaded
  • openssl must be loaded
  • intl extension should be available
  • icu library must be at least 3.8
  • app/config/parameters.yml file must be writable
  • PDO should be installed
  • Database drivers for PDO should be installed (currently available: mysql, odbc, pgsql, sqlite)


  • Vendors should be installed in order to check all requirements.
  • Requirements file should be up-to-date
  • PCRE extension should be at least version 8.0 (10.35 installed)
  • PHP-DOM and PHP-XML modules should be installed
  • mb_strlen() should be available
  • utf8_decode() should be available
  • filter_var() should be available
  • posix_isatty() should be available
  • intl extension should be available
  • intl extension should be correctly configured
  • intl ICU version should be at least 4+
  • intl ICU version installed on your system is outdated (63.1) and does not match the ICU data bundled with Symfony (64.2)

    To get the latest internationalization data upgrade the ICU system package and the intl PHP extension.

  • intl.error_level should be 0 in php.ini
  • a PHP accelerator should be installed

    Install and/or enable a PHP accelerator (highly recommended).

  • short_open_tag should be disabled in php.ini

    Set short_open_tag to off in php.ini*.

  • magic_quotes_gpc should be disabled in php.ini
  • register_globals should be disabled in php.ini
  • session.auto_start should be disabled in php.ini

    Set session.auto_start to off in php.ini*.

  • mbstring extension is required to generate PDF invoices and quotes
  • GD extension is required to generate PDF invoices and quotes